Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Our very common story - Part 1

My husband and I met a few years ago. I was born and raised in a different country and when I met him, it was just love at first sight. I had a very successful career, one Master and the equivalent of an Executive MBA, and I was living a pretty good life back home. Anyhow, when we decided to get married, we also decided I will move to the US….why? simple, we never doubted I could get a wonderful job and continue my career, we felt it was the right thing to do and also simply because he asked me to. He didn’t want to move to my country, he wanted to stay here in the territory he knows and is familiar to him.

So I quit my job, sold all my stuff and moved here. Immediately after, I got pregnant! That was the biggest blessing ever. Then it became a double blessing, because we learned I was pregnant with twins!. Life was good in general. Although I have to confess it was hard for me to get used to living here in the US. Everything was different. Back home a lady will come every week and clean my house and cook my meals. She would also wash and iron all my clothes so that means I had help all the time. My parents came and help me after my kids were born for about three weeks and wasn’t enough. I’m glad I have a type A personality, and although I cried and fuzz (probably more because of the postpartum depression than because anything else) I manage to get by daily with the fact of having to deal with two newborns at the same time by myself.

With time we moved to a bigger place (always certain it would be really easy for me to get a job – after all I am really good at what I do) and I started looking for a job….that hasn’t come yet, three years into my search.

I never understood (until a couple of weeks ago) the reason why I got so many interviews and never got a job. I thought “oh well, maybe people are really racists here after all” or simply thought “how unlucky am I?” Now I understand that my deep ignorance of the system has kept me away from that job, but I will give you details on this when the time comes. For now, this is my part of the story.

On the other hand, my husband worked for the same employer for 5 years before being diagnosed. He got tons of recognition and was awarded as one of the top two employees of his department for a couple of years in a row. Just so you have an idea of how big this company is, last year it had over 3000 employees and my husband’s department had more than 700 people alone. It was all wonderful until he got sick.

I will continue with the story of how he got sick on my next entry…